jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

How classroom games are used to teach vocabulary

In our opinion many teachers tend to clash with different types and levels of learning in a classroom, therefore the use of diverse games in the classroom is a good cognitive strategy applied to children from four (4) until twelve (12) years old to teach vocabulary because it could be used for different motivation ways, depending of student’s qualities through the different types of strategies applied in the classroom games by teachers and students.

Games in the classroom are perfect for vocabulary acquisition and language learning because children love movement, fun appealing resources, and variety. Children have a different way of learn, for example, one child can be a kinesthetic or maybe visual or auditory person. I think that classroom games are a full strategy because you as a teacher can explore the three channels of learning, such as kinesthetic, visual and auditory an achieve a meaningful learning because some students always tend to link the personal experience with their knowledge and it helps learners to memorize words and phrases. Also they can improve their listening and speaking skills because sometimes these games are simple, fun, repetitive, benefits and it could bring in a boost of zest for a foreign language. That captures the children's attention and motivates them in their quest to meaningful learning.

Another view is that strategies to teaching are important because helping students to have their own learning styles and preferences help to share a new experience and to have a good relationship with their classmates; and to also help teachers to have a successful learning process, and an excellent connection with their pupils.

The following strategy is a game of ludo that can be used to teach vocabulary. In this case, we exemplify it with numbers, days of the week and months.

For this game you need:

* Divide the group of students in four groups with the same quantity of students, each group will be represented by a color, for instance: blue, yellow, red and green.

* Create a ludo board with just one token per color. This board will be compounded by the squares on this board which will have numbers, days of the week and/or months of the year.

* One die

The teacher will choose one child to throw the die first. When the child throws the die it depends of on the number that it indicates the child has to move his/her piece for the correct square, if the child answers correctly the question which is in the square he/she can stay in this square but if she/he answers incorrectly she/he will have to throw the die again and depending on of the number that it indicates is how many spaces the child should go back. This process will happen with all groups until the piece of one group arrives to the goal.

Posted by:
* Linares Lourbelys
* Ochoa Noherist