jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Activities to Teaching English Vocabulary to Younger Learners

Teaching English as a second language in our country could be difficult, because some learners are not be interested in learning another language or do not like English. But nowadays we know that English is one of the largely spoken languages in the world which is one of the reasons why learning it is really important. So, we have to find the way to demonstrate that most learners can learn English. It does not necessarily have to be difficult or boring. The secret is being creative and adapt to the necessities of students or learners.

In this issue we will suggest some activities and resources which can help you or that you can use to teaching English. These activities are mostly related to vocabulary learning, with topics such as numbers, the time, music and musical instruments, and the alphabet. In regard to vocabulary we have to take into a count, that it is the most important to start our teaching and also the most easier, because if learners know vocabulary is less difficult to them learn structures and sentences. In this case we star with the most basic vocabulary.

Topic: Music
Activity: Have students sing this song to learn some musical instruments and music related vocabulary.

We are in an Orchestra
We are in an orchestra
We love to sing and dance
And we can play
The tambourine
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambourine, tambourine
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambour-tambourine

We are in an orchestra
We love to sing and dance
And we can play
The clarinet
Clari-clari-clarinet, clarinet, clarinet
Clari-clari-clarinet, clari-clarinet
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambourine, tambourine
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambour-tambourine

We are in an orchestra
We love to sing and dance
And we can play
The piano
Pia-pia-piano, piano, piano
Pia-pia-piano, pia-piano
Clari-clari-clarinet, clarinet, clarinet
Clari-clari-clarinet, clari-clarinet
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambourine, tambourine
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambour-tambourine

We are in an orchestra
We love to sing and dance
And we can play
The violin
Vio-vio-violin, violin, violin
Vio-vio-violin, vio-violin
Pia-pia-piano, piano, piano
Pia-pia-piano, pia-piano
Clari-clari-clarinet, clarinet, clarinet
Clari-clari-clarinet, clari-clarinet
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambourine, tambourine
Tambour-tambour-tambourine, tambour-tambourine

Then, you can have students practice the name of the instruments and imitate the way to play them, talk about famous singer. To recycle the vocabulary learning activity, you can have students practice phrase grammatical structure such as: I can play… or I can´t play. Other resource can be obtained by making a crossword puzzle which the name of the instruments that students learned.

Topic: The time
Activity: You can make a clock with cardboard and bright colors and practice telling the time in English, play a listening game by moving the clock’s hands to the correct time. Also, play a matching game to identify the time on the clock and match it with phrases written on the black board. Another way to use the clock is to ask about daily routine; for example, what time do you have breakfast? Or what time do you go to the bed?

This way, they’ll be practicing grammar too! The learner can put the hands of the clock to correct the time and then tell you at what time they do each daily activity. Set the clock to a certain time and say in English either the correct time on the clock or a random one. The students should say whether it´s true or false.

Topic: The alphabet
Activity: Teach your students the following song to learn the alphabet.

ABCD E I´m in the jungle in a coconut tree
FGH I J Do you want to come and play?
KLM N OPQ I will bring a friend or two R S TUV A zebra and a chimpanzee WXYZ we will play until it is time for bed

Song and Lyrics by Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online L
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Ochoa Noherist