Fruits are so important for our nurturing. Everyone has to eat fruits to keep fit and health as well. As a student of English as a second language, we have to know how they are called to increase our vocabulary and to raise up our possibilities to talk with native English speakers in an extreme situation just either to name them or to purchase them too. Thus we learn to cope with a real situation.
If you are an English teacher for a primary school and you need some strategies to show your students how the fruits are called, there are a lot of techniques to teach vocabulary of fruits en English such as flashcards, dominoes, crosswords and so on. We are going to explain some tips to be used before those strategies using.
1- First of all you need to know how much fruits in Spanish the kids already know.
You would have to ask what kind of fruits they have eaten so far. (For this step, the kids have to name as many fruits as possible for them)
2- Make a list of fruits on the blackboard and underline the weird ones.
3- Ask about those strange fruits characteristics. This step is aimed to know how much they are interested in those fruits and to increase their skills to express their ideas.
4- Command a home assignment. Each child has to create a poster with one of the fruit mentioned before.
5- While your students are making their home assignment, you must do a big flannelgraph and a lot of letters (the whole alphabet) made of felt or foamy. Five letters per each vowel at least and 3 letters per each consonant. If your students can’t spell very well, you can make whole words instead of letters in isolation. Use Velcro or pins to stick them each other.
6- When the children had already done their homework (the posters), split the class in groups of five people and start to play a game:
7- Take every poster and stick them one by one on the flannelgraph whereas you are asking to each group how is called each fruit in English (one fruit for group)
8- Each group has to choose one person whom will take the letters you did to stick in a correct order on the flannelgraph
9- Check every word and correct them if it is necessary. The group haven’t been wrong on any word, meaning and spelling will have 4 extra points in the following examination.
10- After the game get over, stick all posters on the classroom walls with the appropriate initial letter of the fruits stuck on them. This is to help the students to remind and associate the accurate meaning of the studied fruits until their following test.
Posted by:
Francisco Cortez
Kennya Gonzalez