Parts of the body
- The first thing is to draw a big monster on a large sheet paper, this monster can have four legs, two arms, six eyes or as many features as you want.
- After that you have to cut it and stick on a cardboard, to then cut it up into puzzle type pieces with each part of the body that you want to focus on a different piece.
- In the classroom we distribute the different pieces between each kid. Point to one and ask "What's that?" - The kid replies "It's an ear" or whatever, comes to the table and puts it down. In turn each child says what their piece is, comes up and puts it in position until the puzzle is complete.
- Separate the children into groups and distribute some pieces of paper.
- Children have to draw their own monster with all parts of the body and cut it up as before. Then each group has to change their puzzle to the next group.
- The pieces of the puzzle are placed faced down on the table. After that each child in the group picks one up and has to say what part of the body is. Afterward, the kid puts it in position on the table to create the puzzle.
- They can exchange puzzles again and repeat the game with the puzzle of another group.
Posted by:
Elienai Ferrer
Nicsarahi Zapata
Rosmary Díaz